Friday, March 19, 2004
Bill Maher telling it like it is...
Bill Maher :: The Official Website
And finally, New Rule: You can't be a Washington outsider if you're already president. Now, hearing President Bush these days constantly complain about "the politicians," and John Kerry being part of a "Washington mindset," and saying things like, "I got news for the Washington crowd," it's like hearing Courtney Love bitch about the junkies.Nobody is buying the cowboy costume, Gov. Flightsuit.
Excuse me, but "Washington insider" is, by definition, a function of one's proximity to the President. That's you, Mister Bush! When you're given check-writing privileges by the Federal Reserve, you just might be a "Washington insider."
Put it this way. You're not "Mister Smith Goes to Washington." You're the "Washington" part. We need a "Mister Smith" to fuck with you!
You're not on a mission you reluctantly accepted, like the old farts in "Space Cowboys." You campaigned for it. So it's a little late to be selling yourself as some fish-out-of-water cowboy visiting the big city on assignment. You're not "McCloud."
For 15 of the last 22 years, you've had a key to the White House. The last thing that happened in Washington without the Bushes getting a piece was Marion Berry's crack habit.