
Thursday, February 26, 2004

O Canada! 

Couple Sues for Rx Drug Imports
An Illinois couple is filing suit against the federal government, arguing it is unconstitutional to prevent them from buying cheaper prescription drugs from Canada.

Ray and Gaylee Andrews, both 74, pay as much as $800 each month for prescriptions for ailments that include arthritis, high blood pressure, heart and stomach problems, and asthma.
With the backing of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the Andrewses are suing the Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration, seeking to overturn the federal law prohibiting Americans from importing cheaper prescription drugs. They say they could save more than $300 every month if they were allowed to purchase prescription drugs from Canada.

Illinois is one of a number of states pushing for drug importation. Two states, Wisconsin and Minnesota, now have Web sites directing citizens to Canadian pharmacies. The FDA has threatened legal action against cities and states helping people import Canadian drugs.

The agency argues it cannot guarantee the safety of imported drugs.
Show me the dead Canadians. There should be millions of them by now since their drugs are so unsafe.

Big Pharma doesn't want you to buy cheap drugs and the administration is doing everything it can to help them. The Medicare Act expressly forbid the government from bargaining for cheaper drug prices. Who did that benefit? It sure as hell wasn't Ray and Gaylee Andrews. It wasn't the taxpayer who will foot the bill for the new Medicare plan. The only ones who benefit are named GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Merck, Aventis, Bristol-Myers Squibb and the rest of the 21st Century Robber Barons.

I never thought I would see the day when grandma needed a drug mule to buy insulin.
